42399. Intro and intermediate Oil Painting: Still-Life

42399. Intro and intermediate Oil Painting: Still-Life

Class - Graphics 2D | This class is completed

251 N Spruce St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 United States
Graphics Studio 2 - 206
All Levels
6:00 PM-8:30 PM EDT on Wed

42399. Intro and intermediate Oil Painting: Still-Life

Class - Graphics 2D | This class is completed

This class is for people who have never used oil or have some experience with oil paints. 
We will go through safety, technique, materials, and color theory. Students will learn to set up and paint a simple still-life of their choosing with guidance. At the end of the course, you will have the confidence to paint at home on your own. Note: If you would like to take oil portraiture, I highly recommend taking this course first! 

Jarrell, Anna
Anna Jarrell

I am primarily a portrait painter, although you will see me dabble in abstracts, interiors, plein air, and still-life from time to time. I work in oil, acrylic, pastel, watercolor, and charcoal from my home studio. I graduated in 2005 from Wake Forest University with degrees in Studio Art and Psychology. There I had a concentration in drawing. I love to teach and I love to learn. Summer 2023 found me at The Florence Academy in Italy practicing traditional techniques like sight-size for drawing and painting. My high school sweetheart and I married right out of college and we have a 10 year old son. When I’m not painting, I love to cook or read fiction.