8014 Cinematic Comic Crime Capers

Multi-week in-person | Registration opens 4/1/25 10:00 AM

see course description for location address Cincinnati, OH 45206 United States
see course description for location address
1:00 PM-4:00 PM on Wed

8014 Cinematic Comic Crime Capers

Multi-week in-person | Registration opens 4/1/25 10:00 AM

Who knew malfeasance could be so much fun? You'll relish the delicious misdeeds of various felons as we watch an entire movie followed by discussion. Movies include "The Ladykillers", "The Notorious Landlady", "The Whole Nine Yards", "The Pink Panther", "Sister Act". "Who Killed Roger Rabbit?", "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid," and "The Cheap Detective". Featured actors include Alec Guinness, Jack Lemmon, Kim Novak, Peter Sellers, Whoopi Goldberg, Peter Falk, and Bruce Willis. Location: 8073 Tylersville Rd, 45069.

Moderator: Doug Iden is a big fan of movies and theatrical musicals with an extensive collection of films and original Broadway scores. He has taught classes on Broadway and film at OLLI for many years.

Doug Iden