4806 Warblers, Warblers, Warblers and Other Spring Migrants

Multi-week in-person | Registration opens 4/1/25 10:00 AM

3201 E Galbraith Rd Cincinnati, OH 45236 United States
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4806 Warblers, Warblers, Warblers and Other Spring Migrants

Multi-week in-person | Registration opens 4/1/25 10:00 AM

We will spend an in-class session reviewing the spring migrants that visit our region on their way north—types of birds, identification, songs, and places to find them. Then we will meet at Sharon Woods to take a "bird walk" and actually find the birds we learned about in class.

Moderator: Rick Marra is an experienced birder who travels the country to pursue his hobby. He loves to share what he knows about this rewarding hobby.

Rick Marra