2818 Marquis de Lafayette

One-time in-Person | Registration opens 4/1/25 12:00 AM

1701 Llanfair Ave Cincinnati, OH 45224 United States
Event Hall
5/9/2025 (one day)
9:30 AM-12:00 PM on Fri

2818 Marquis de Lafayette

One-time in-Person | Registration opens 4/1/25 12:00 AM

May 19, 2025, will commemorate the 200th anniversary of the visit of General Lafayette in Cincinnati. Lafayette's visit was part of a tour of all American states to celebrate the 50th birthday of the United States. At that time, Lafayette was the only surviving general of the American Revolution. Who was this French nobleman who adopted the egalitarians ideals of this new country? What was his role in revolutions both in America and in France? What was his role in the anti-slavery movement?

Moderator: Gerald Checco has been a popular OLLI speaker, with eclectic presentations from "Walking the Camino de Santiago" to a "History of Sewers, a series of presentations about various plagues, the History of Numbers, to a dive into "Colors". A retired public servant, he serves on several civic boards, including being the President of the Urban Forestry Advisory Board .