2414 Wine Lovers: Make Your Own

Multi-week in-person | Registration opens 4/1/25 10:00 AM

2220 Victory Parkway Cincinnati, OH 45206 United States
11:00 AM-12:15 PM on Th

2414 Wine Lovers: Make Your Own

Multi-week in-person | Registration opens 4/1/25 10:00 AM

Have you thought about what it takes to make wine at home? What’s needed to get started? What skills are required? What quality of wine can you expect? This class will answer all those questions and more. We will explore each step, from fermentation to bottling. You will leave with a complete understanding to venture into making quality wine at home. This course is designed to be fun, hands-on, and engaging.

Moderator: Tim Jones discovered the hobby of making wine at home over a decade ago. Since then, he has produced volumes of high-quality wine. He enjoys gifting his craft to friends and neighbors as well as contributing to worthy causes. He will apply decades of development experience to create an enjoyable learning process.

Tim Jones