1934 ZOOM: Protecting Yourself from Scams
one-time ZOOM | Registration opens 4/1/25 10:00 AM
In 2023, the FBI reported that schemes targeting those 60+ account for $3.4 billion in reported losses, a number that is exponentially growing (waiting for 2024 info). Schemes in banking breaches, password and identify theft, viruses, phishing, imposter scams, etc. reach us through phone calls, texts, emails, online purchases, social media, and in person. Arm yourself with knowledge: learn of the latest schemes, what preventive measures you can/should take, how to identify warning signs, and what to do if you are victimized.
Moderator: Janice Tibbetts, Forensic Accountant from the Cincinnati Division of the FBI, will present the program with time allotted for Q&A.