1118 Exploring Humanoid Robots

Multi-week in-person | Registration opens 4/1/25 10:00 AM

2220 Victory Parkway Cincinnati, OH 45206 United States
11:00 AM-12:15 PM on Mon

1118 Exploring Humanoid Robots

Multi-week in-person | Registration opens 4/1/25 10:00 AM

We will explore the rapidly developing field of humanoid robotics by highlighting the history of robots as wells as the design principles and engineering of humanoid robots. We will also consider the use of AI and machine learning in humanoid robots together with ethical considerations, future trends, and near- and far-term real- world applications.

Moderator: Jim Rauf, BA physics, Thomas More College, BME mechanical engineering, Univ. of Detroit. Retired from GE Aviation where he was a manager and principal engineer in the Commercial Engines Product Support Group.

James Rauf