1707 Exploring a Lost Culture: The Stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer
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During the first 53 years of his career, Singer’s readership was limited to Yiddish readers in Eastern Europe and eventually Yiddish and English readers in the U.S. Receiving the 1978 Nobel Prize for literature brought him worldwide recognition and a broader audience. Destroyed by the Holocaust and modernity, the worlds of Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe and early-20th-century New York immigrants disappeared. Singer’s stories in In My Father’s Court and The Collected Stories bring that world to life. Let’s share that world, its characters, and their rich culture.
Moderator: Judy Schechter enjoys reading; writing; theater; music, especially Broadway musicals, jazz, and the American Songbook standards; dancing, especially Jazzercise; swimming; spending time with family and friends; and OLLI. Since she loves learning and exchanging ideas with other people, being involved with OLLI makes her happy.