1612 A Picture Is Worth 1,000 Words (More or Less): Writing Your Memories
multi-week ZOOM | FULL
Have a story to tell? Feel an urge to write? Looking for inspiration? Let’s scratch that itch together. Unearth the tidbits of life through photos. Remember not only the look of the scene but also the smell of Dad’s cigar, the taste of Grandma’s pie, the scratch of Grandpa’s beard, and the feel of Mom’s hug. Express your memories in a captivating narrative. Weekly prompts will kickstart writing 300-500 words to be shared with the class. We will each read, listen, critique, and praise. Let’s remember and write together.
Moderator: Thomas Fahey, Cincinnatian, English major, XU. Teaching was his goal; but life is one big story whose plot is murky, whose telling requires lots of white-out. “People gotta eat,” so he invested 47 years in supermarket bagging, meat cutting, management, buying, merchandising, human resources, training, and ownership. Retired, he works at his passions—photography, remembering, writing, and self-publishing.