1609 Volcanic Eruptions and What They Produce

Multi-week in-person | Available

2220 Victory Parkway Cincinnati, OH 45206 United States
12:45 PM-2:00 PM on Tue

1609 Volcanic Eruptions and What They Produce

Multi-week in-person | Available

This class rocks! We will begin by looking at the material that is belched out of different types of volcanos like Kilauea in Hawaii, Mt. St. Helens in Washington, Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines, and Yellowstone. We'll contrast igneous rocks from those volcanos with the sedimentary rocks around Cincinnati and metamorphic rocks in the Appalachian Mountains. We'll also determine why Cincinnati's hillsides are on a downward slide and many more rocky topics.

Moderators: Rick Takanen is a 16-year member of OLLI and serves on the Board. He graduated from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts. He retired from GE Aviation in 2009. Richard Longshore, MD, is a graduate of XU and U of Louisville College of Medicine. He is NOT a geologist or astrophysicist, but has an interest in what is around us.

Richard Takanen