1114 What Defines a "Classic" in Literature and Who Decides?
multi-week ZOOM | Available
We all know some of literature's classics, but what makes them "classic"? Is it that everyone loves them or that professors say so? Who decides? Can you love something but know it's not a classic? Or dislike it but admit that it's great? We'll read Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, and Hamlet by William Shakespeare as well as some short selections from other “classics” (provided). Throughout, we’ll seek to answer: Is this a classic? And WHY? Disagreement is welcome!
Moderator: John Briggs has advanced degrees in the field and has moderated 30+ courses. He believes that these courses are for enjoyment, so that you may remain silent and unviewed or take part in discussions as much as you wish. These are not meant to be lecture courses, and John IS NOT the professor. Numerous students have survived his courses.