1509 Advanced Poetry Writing
Multi-week in-person | FULL
If you have previous experience writing poetry, then this discussion workshop is for you. We will share work in class to gain a greater appreciation and sophistication in the practice of the art. You will show your work to others and gain an understanding of the possibilities of poetic language and prosodic forms of expression that arise from what you and your fellow writers are doing and aspire toward. You will also conceptualize the possibilities of your subject matter to be shaped into effective poetic communication.
Moderator: David Schloss was born in Brooklyn, NY, in 1944, and attended the Iowa Writers Workshop (MFA, 1967). He taught at UC (1968-74) and Miami Univ. (OH) from 1974 to 2014. He has published six full-length poetry collections plus three chapbooks as well as scores of poems in literary journals and anthologies over the years.