2309 Finding Solutions to America's Problems

Multi-week in-person | FULL

2220 Victory Parkway Cincinnati, OH 45206 United States
9:30 AM-10:45 AM on Th

2309 Finding Solutions to America's Problems

Multi-week in-person | FULL

Using the National Issues Forum (www.nifi.org) public deliberation process, we will weigh alternatives from various courses of action using NIF issues guides. You are encouraged to express, listen to, and consider all points of view. Discussion includes three major issues: 1) Coming to America: Who should we welcome and what should we do? 2) Elections: How should we encourage and safeguard voting? 3) A House Divided: How do we get the political system we want?

Moderator: Kent Friel, MBA, UC, 1965, former business owner and Community Fellow with the Knowledgeworks Foundation. He is trained as a moderator in the deliberation process by the National Issues Forum.

Kent Friel