8011 Let's Do Lunch

Multi-week in-person | Available

see course description for location address Cincinnati, OH 45206 United States
see course description for location address
1:00 PM-2:30 PM on Fri

8011 Let's Do Lunch

Multi-week in-person | Available

Join us for the social experience of lunching with others. Since it's winter, we'll focus on restaurants that serve the food we crave when it's cold outside: soup. stew, and chili. Please remember that we have to make reservations and need your commitment for attending. Also, note that restaurants may be located in any part of the Greater Cincinnati region and may not be close to your home. If you sign up, we expect that you will attend all or most of the lunches. You will receive information about the first lunch location about one week in advance.

Moderators: Caryl Miller and Deb Price have been visiting dining establishments in Greater Cincinnati for too many years to count. They have organized Let's Do Lunch for more than six years.

Deb Price

Caryl Miller