8009 Samuel, Saul and David: Their Lives, Their Loves, Their Legacy, Part 4

Multi-week in-person | Available

see course description for location address Cincinnati, OH 45206 United States
see course description for location address
11:00 AM-12:15 PM on Th

8009 Samuel, Saul and David: Their Lives, Their Loves, Their Legacy, Part 4

Multi-week in-person | Available

We will learn about the often heroic yet deeply flawed lives of Samuel, Saul, and David through a close reading of the Biblical books of I and II Samuel. Part 4: David, King of Israel. The material in this class is self-contained and therefore it is not necessary to have taken earlier parts. Text: Tanakh, The Holy Scriptures (Jewish Publication Society, 1985 or later edition). Location: Temple Sholom, 10828 Kenwood Rd, 45242.

Moderator: Gerry Walter is Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Sholom and also the retired Director of Pastoral Care at Cedar Village. He has taught Jewish and Religious Studies and Bible at HUC-JIR, NKU, Virginia Tech, and Roanoke College.

Gerry Walter