4506 Dante's Cosmic Journey, Part 2--Purgatorio

Multi-week in-person | Available

3201 E Galbraith Rd Cincinnati, OH 45236 United States
11:00 AM-12:15 PM on Tue

4506 Dante's Cosmic Journey, Part 2--Purgatorio

Multi-week in-person | Available

We'll continue our exploration of Dante's poetic journey through the three realms of the Christian afterlife. We'll focus on Purgatory, where the repentant climb the mountain to heal their souls and reach beatitude. Includes a quick review of Inferno and what Dante, instructed by Virgil, has learned there. We will continue in spring with the Paradiso. We'll use the contemporary American translation by Allen Mandelbaum.

Moderator: John Tallmadge, retired professor of literature and environment (PhD, Yale, 1977), taught Dante at three universities and two churches; experienced working with undergrads, grad students, and adult learners. (More info at www.johntallmadge.com)

John Tallmadge