4405 Introductory Spanish

Multi-week in-person | Registration opens 1/3/25 10:00 AM

3201 E Galbraith Rd Cincinnati, OH 45236 United States
9:30 AM-10:45 AM on Tue

4405 Introductory Spanish

Multi-week in-person | Registration opens 1/3/25 10:00 AM

This is your intro to the Spanish Language. No prerequisites. This is a combination web-based and classroom-based class. You will have weekly web-based assignments and an in-person class initially and about every other week thereafter. The web-based classes are excellent, and we decided that there was no need to reinvent them. We will cover all the basics: alphabet and pronunciation, numbers, colors, days of the week and dates, present tense verbs. We will also spend some time on useful expressions, directions, and various situations.

Moderators: Leo (Leonor) Ennis is our native speaker and Spanish resource; Rick Marra is a student of Leo's and organizes the class. They have taught the intro class many times and also teach an Intermediate and a conversational class.

Leo Ennis

Rick Marra