9000. Taste of Art: Sculpt a Cheese Knife

9000. Taste of Art: Sculpt a Cheese Knife

Taste of Art - Wood | Available

251 N Spruce St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 United States
Wood Studio 210-A
All Skill Levels
1/31/2025 (one day)
6:00 PM-8:30 PM EST on Fri

9000. Taste of Art: Sculpt a Cheese Knife

Taste of Art - Wood | Available

Our Taste of Art Workshops welcome all skill levels to the wood studio for a series of projects that you can make and take home with you that very evening. Tonight's project: A wooden cheese knife! Learn to use the bandsaw to cut out the shape of your knife and use hand tools to sculpt it to perfection! No experience necessary. 

  • Enrollment is open to ages 18 and up.

Coyne, Ella
Ella Coyne

Ella Coyne is a frequent face in the arts of Winston-Salem. She works as a front desk assistant, woodworking intern, and youth art camp instructor at Sawtooth School for Visual Arts and is the Gallery and Artists Services Fellow at the Arts Council of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County. Ella is also a practicing artist who focuses her work on material exploration. She is an alumni of the Visual Arts program at UNCSA and studied Craft and Material studies at VCU before returning home to North Carolina to complete her degree at UNCG studying Sculpture and Ceramics. She continues to make art at Sawtooth in ceramics, woodworking, printmaking, and more.