562. Advanced Enameling

562. Advanced Enameling

Class - Metals | Available

251 N Spruce St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 United States
Metals Studio - 209
Prior Enameling experience required.
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562. Advanced Enameling

Class - Metals | Available

This class is appropriate for those who’ve been doing basic enameling and want to learn more advanced enameling techniques such as using liquid enamels, ceramic pigments and more. Demos, discussion and plenty of work-time is included in each class. Students will provide their own metal, lots of supplies provided, and others will be optional and discussed during class. The course is open to ages 16 through adult. 

  • Due to severe weather the start date for this class was postponed to January 15. The new end date will be March 5. 8 class meetings total.
Grimes-Williams, Annie
Annie Grimes-Williams

Annie Grimes Williams has a BFA from East Carolina University’s Metal Design program. She is a full-time studio artist, owner of CopperTide Fine Metalwork and Enameling, and is an exhibiting member of Piedmont Craftsmen. Her work is largely inspired by organic and botanical forms and focuses on metal forming and enameling.