Intergenerational Scrapbooking

Intergenerational Scrapbooking

Art + Wellness | Available

114 W 30th Street Ste 200 Winston-Salem, NC 27105 United States
Generations Ctr. Classroom - 209
12:00 PM-2:30 PM EDT on Sat

Intergenerational Scrapbooking

Art + Wellness | Available

We will be flushing out stories and building layouts to bring those experiences to life. Students will be surveyed early on to see what it is they want to capture most and encouraged to share their responses within their groups so they can create and work toward a shared vision for their book. That’s where the coaching will come into play. I’ll also be sharing techniques for building effective page layouts along the way. The finished result is meant to be a highlight reel in analog or a catalog of trials and triumphs whichever resonates most. Either way, a keepsake that will hold a place of honor in their lives

Each student should register separately so that materials can be ordered for each person's use.  Students should plan to bring photos and other momentos to create individualized pages.

Stewart, Aneetrah
Aneetrah Stewart

Aneetrah Stewart is originally from San Diego, California where she developed her creativity from childhood. She minored in Studio Art as an undergrad at the University of California, San Diego and studied graphic design and multimedia post-graduation. In addition to using art as a means of self-expression, she has professional experience as a print, web, handbag, and greeting card designer as well as a fine artist in multiple disciplines such as collage, photography, and mosaics. Aneetrah is also a Life Coach in private practice where she deeply enjoys helping people rediscover their personal power. She loves teaching and recently began offering art-making classes through a Life Coaching lens in Charlotte, North Carolina where she resides. Examples of these classes include "Abstract Collage for Inner Peace", "Mosaics for Perfectionists", and "Be Your Own Best Friend Journal-Making" [bookbinding].