695. Darkroom 2: The Print

695. Darkroom 2: The Print

Class - Photography | Available

251 N Spruce St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 United States
Photography Darkroom - 212
6:30 PM-8:30 PM EDT on Wed

695. Darkroom 2: The Print

Class - Photography | Available

Learn the skills to make the best prints from your negatives. Discuss cropping the photo to find the most interesting portion of the scene. Learn burning and dodging techniques to help bring out hidden details in your print. Learn how to control contrast-using filters to make your print pop. We will go over the difference between a condenser and diffuser style enlarger and learn the proper lens needed for different format films. Bring in your own black and white negatives as well as multigrade paper. Previous darkroom experience required. Please note there is a mandatory $15 Darkroom materials fee that will be added upon checkout. This class is suitable for Ages:15-Adult 

Dent, Bill
Bill Dent

Bill was very fortunate to grow up with a father that was a professional photographer. As young as he can remember he was in a darkroom. When in the darkroom he can still feel the presence of his father and all that he taught.Teaching black and white photography brings Bill joy and creating an understanding that modern technology started with old school ways.