9000. Taste of Art: Whisk Brooms

9000. Taste of Art: Whisk Brooms

Taste of Art - Wood | Available

251 N Spruce St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 United States
Wood Studio 210-A
All Skill Levels
10/25/2024 (one day)
6:00 PM-8:30 PM EDT on Fri

9000. Taste of Art: Whisk Brooms

Taste of Art - Wood | Available

Our Taste of Art Workshops welcome students of all skill levels to the wood studio for a series of projects that you can make and take home with you that very evening. Tonight's project: Whisk Brooms! Merge the worlds of wood and textiles and learn to bind a couple of Appalachian style brooms, including turkey wings, and standard whisk brooms. Students will have time to make at least two. No experience necessary.

  • Enrollment is open to ages 14 and up.

Juliette-Duex, Rebecca
Rebecca Juliette-Duex

Rebecca was intro­duced to the value of craft at an early age. During visits to her mother’s child­hood home in rural Western Penn­syl­va­nia, she observed how her grand­par­ents found solace in their own hand­craft; her grand­fa­ther, a coal miner, in his wood­shop and her grand­mother with needle and thread or yarn. An immer­sion in weaving (2017–19) and wood­work­ing (2019–21) at Haywood Commu­nity College has been an oppor­tu­nity to build the skills neces­sary to honor the legacy of her grand­par­ents. Rebecca’s work brings wood and fiber into conver­sa­tion to tell the story of her own creative heritage and to inspire others to do the same. You can see Rebecca's work at rosevalleyworks.com