9014. Moravian Star

9014. Moravian Star

Class - Wood | Available

251 N Spruce St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 United States
Wood Studio 210-A
10:00 AM-12:30 PM EDT on Tue

9014. Moravian Star

Class - Wood | Available

Create your very own Moravian star, a Winston-Salem icon in wood. Explore the star’s unique geometry and learn the construction of its complex form. Build your skills on several woodworking tools including the table saw, compound miter saw and band saw, while getting familiar with woodworking jigs and fixtures and machine adjustments to make repeated angled cuts. Intermediate or higher skill level required.

Additional Information:
  • A $35 materials fee will be added to the total class fee at checkout
  • Registration will close one week prior to the start of class
  • This class is open to students ages 18 and up.
  • Class will skip one week for Thanksgiving. (11/26)

Gondring, Kim
Kim Gondring

As an instructor I believe that every student can express artistic expression in every piece they create. Understanding the technology of woodworking is necessary to being able to support this vision. We teach both expression and technology. The details can be demanding, but at the end of the day the student will take away a creation they love and value.