Artist Book as an Archive

Artist Book as an Archive

Workshop - Printmaking | Available

251 N Spruce St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 United States
Print Studio - 204
all levels
10/17/2024 (one day)
6:00 PM-8:00 PM EDT on Th

Artist Book as an Archive

Workshop - Printmaking | Available

Explore the book as a physical space where time, memories, people, and experiences interface in transformative ways! In this workshop you will learn one bookbinding technique along with creative ways of storytelling through the use of materiality and primary sources. Bring a photo, document, or small artifact as inspiration or incorporation into an artist book that you create!

Mitchell, Sauda
Sauda Mitchell

Sauda Mitchell is an American printmaker, certified archivist, and educator from Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Sauda explores the book as an object linking viewers to archival repositories, curated exhibitions, and aggregated data. Each work serves as a visual response to archival collection materials  representative of the many stories that can be found deep within the archival landscape.


Sauda teaches how the combination of primary sources and bookmaking introduces concepts like collective memory, cultural heritage, and individual perspectives. As teaching tools, Sauda’s artists' books are held in the permanent collections of the Library of Congress, Harvard Fine Arts Library and Smithsonian Libraries.