43337. Reduction Woodcut

43337. Reduction Woodcut

Class - Printmaking | Available

251 N Spruce St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 United States
Print Studio - 204
10:00 AM-12:30 PM EDT on Wed

43337. Reduction Woodcut

Class - Printmaking | Available

In reduction woodcut, a multicolored print is created using only one block by cutting away more and more of the surface between each color print. In this five-week class, students will create layered images up to five colors. An edition of four to five prints will be produced. 


Wu, Mona
Mona Wu

A native of China, Mona Wu immigrated to US in 1970. She studied Chinese painting and calligraphy in Hong Kong then received her BA in Art History from Salem College in 1996. She also studied Printmaking at WFU as an auditor from 1997-2014. In 2003 Wu was selected as Sawtooth School of Visual Art Winston- Salem Artist of the year. She teaches Printmaking and Collage in the School. Wu is currently a member of Artworks Gallery, an artist co-op art gallery in downtown Winston-Salem.