699 Darkroom 10hr Pass

699 Darkroom 10hr Pass

Open Studio- Photography | Available

251 N Spruce St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 United States
Photography Darkroom - 212
10:00 AM-5:00 PM EST on Mon Tue Wed Th Fri

699 Darkroom 10hr Pass

Open Studio- Photography | Available

Are you a seasoned darkroom aficionado but don't have the space to print your negatives. Then the 10 hr darkroom pass is right down your alley.  Chemicals will be provided but you must provide the paper. You will also need to be vetted by our Darkroom team to insure you can operate within the space unattended.  Open studio time will be primarily a daytime event and not to interfere with our classes. Please note we are set up for B&W printing only and registration can only be made by contacting the front desk or photography director. 
Multiple 10 hr blocks can be purchased but please note they expire at the end of the session you purchased them in. For example, purchasing a 10hr block in July, August, or September means it is active for our Summer Session only. Our Summer Session ends Sept 30th 2022. Therefore your 10 hr block of Darkroom time expires on that date as well. 
Our open studio Darkroom hours will be 
M  10am to 8pm
T   10am to 5pm
W  10am to 5pm
Th  10am to 5pm
F    10am to 5pm

Dent, Bill
Bill Dent

Bill was very fortunate to grow up with a father that was a professional photographer. As young as he can remember he was in a darkroom. When in the darkroom he can still feel the presence of his father and all that he taught.Teaching black and white photography brings Bill joy and creating an understanding that modern technology started with old school ways.