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48860. Printmaking Studio Orientation

48860. Printmaking Studio Orientation

Class - Printmaking | 

251 N Spruce St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 United States
Print Studio - 204
All Levels
12:01 AM-12:01 PM EDT on Fri

48860. Printmaking Studio Orientation

Class - Printmaking | 

The Sawtooth Printmaking Studio Rental Opportunity at Sawtooth School for Visual Art is designed to encourage and enhance the creative growth of printmakers of all ages, skill levels, and backgrounds. Printmaking Studio Rentals are geared toward post-student graduates and mid-to-senior career printmakers interested in furthering their creative practice by increasing time spent towards their studio practice. 

Previous experience working in a printmaking studio is not required, however artists with little to no previous printmaking are required to complete one Introduction to Printmaking course at Sawtooth and may be required to complete an additional Intro to Letterpress Printing course if interested in operating the Vandercook Letterpress. 

1. All interested artists must first fill out the Open Studio Questionnaire located on the Sawtooth School for Visual Art Printmaking page.  

 2.  Based on the level of experience, interested artists will be contacted to  schedule the required one-hour private course which includes a studio orientation and strategy session if needed to determine how to best utilize your studio rental reservation, equipment, and supplies. The cost of studio orientation is 20.00 with a 5.00 student discount 

3. Studio time must be scheduled at least one week in advance via email to confirm the availability of the equipment, space, and staff needed.  


Mitchell, Sauda
Sauda Mitchell

Sauda Mitchell is an American printmaker, certified archivist, and educator from Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Sauda explores the book as an object linking viewers to archival repositories, curated exhibitions, and aggregated data. Each work serves as a visual response to archival collection materials  representative of the many stories that can be found deep within the archival landscape.


Sauda teaches how the combination of primary sources and bookmaking introduces concepts like collective memory, cultural heritage, and individual perspectives. As teaching tools, Sauda’s artists' books are held in the permanent collections of the Library of Congress, Harvard Fine Arts Library and Smithsonian Libraries.