4185. 3D Model Sculpture Painting

4185. 3D Model Sculpture Painting

Taste of Art - Graphics | This class has been canceled

251 N Spruce St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 United States
Graphics Studio 2 - 206
All Levels
4:00 PM-7:00 PM EDT on Fri

4185. 3D Model Sculpture Painting

Taste of Art - Graphics | This class has been canceled

Apply the basic rules of painting to a miniature 3 dimensional object! Participants will gain a greater understanding of contrast, light, volume, color theory, and texture as well as the scope of their application. Discover limitless styles and techniques that you can use to give your piece a sense of individuality!

  • Supplies Provided
Folmar, Alexander
Alexander Folmar

I have spent the majority of my life pursuing different artistic endeavors and hobbies. Growing up I spent a lot of my time learning trading card games, board games and playing in table top RPG's which I carried on into adulthood. I am currently a professional Dungeon Master for Dungeons and Dragons at a local hobby shop, a professional 3D printer and painter of miniatures and replicas and owner of my own small business. Over the years I have done everything from set building and wood work, to creating my own forms of art from cut paper and lacquer to create unique scenes from pop culture. I have found that miniature painting has given me an entirely new and unique outlook on how art and aesthetics work which I have grown to love sharing with others.