27-In-Person-Cultural, Historical, Geographical Background of the Bible
Fall or Spring Course | Available (Membership Required)
In this course we will journey to the land of the text to better understand God’s redemptive story in its original context. Making use of maps and photographs, we will see the land that formed the stage on which so many biblical events took place. Only when we understand what it meant for the people back then can we truly understand and apply what it means for us today. Engaging the text in context will bring the Bible alive in a new way, giving its stories new dimensions and deeper meaning as we examine the places where biblical events took place—from the archaeological remains of Old Testament kingdoms to the locations of Jesus’ ministry. The aim of the course is that, as we experience the original context, it will impact our relationship with Jesus, compelling us to live the way of Jesus more intentionally. This course will cover all new material not previously taught.
Subject: biblical studies
Daniel Kroeze is a professor of biblical studies at Kuyper College. The Dead Sea Scrolls were part of his doctoral research at the University of Wisconsin. Ordained in the RCA, he currently serves as the teaching pastor at Westend Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids. Professor Kroeze leads a trip to Israel every year. He is fascinated with the literary artistry and design of the Bible and is committed to helping people understand how the whole story works together and leads us to Jesus.