22-In-Person-Tuesdays at the Movies (No Movie April 8)
Fall or Spring Course | Available (Membership Required)
In a continuation of this off-campus venture, the course will feature four of the finest new international and North American independent releases. Drawn from Celebration! Cinema’s exceptional “Indie Film Series,” the course includes the best of the new films playing in New York or Los Angeles. Following each film, we will have 30 minutes of discussion and insights led by Roy Anker and others like Jim Bratt, Jennifer Holberg, Eric Kuiper, and Carl Plantinga. Course registrants’ names will be checked off a roster at the theater on the day of each film.
Roy Anker, coordinator of this film series, is a professor of English emeritus at Calvin University, where he specialized in film. His most popular books, Catching Light: Looking for God in the Movies and Of Pilgrims and Fire: When God Shows Up at the Movies, are widely known.