Accounting: What's That Got to Do With Management?

Public Management | Available

Wednesday, March 26, 2025-Wednesday, April 16, 2025
1:00 PM-5:00 PM PDT on Wed
$475.00 USD

Accounting: What's That Got to Do With Management?

Public Management | Available

Module Description: Recent Secretary of State audits have found knowledge and communication gaps between management and accounting operations. They also found that people new to the accounting field have difficulty explaining how accounting fits into the overall operations. As a manager, it is important to increase your accounting literacy and people who work in the accounting field need to gain a bigger picture perspective of the impact of accounting practices. Because of these special needs, we have designed a new module in consultation with agency finance officer, the Secretary of State’s Audit Division and the State Treasurer’s office.

This module will review financial statements used by state agencies and demonstrate how reviewing financial information can improve decision making and provide awareness to opportunities for process improvement. Most managers have an awareness of budget processes, so the module will explore the differences between the budget and accounting processes.

Participants will learn the shared financial vocabulary between accountants, management and auditors and will discuss ways to partner with auditors for effective outcomes as well as prepare for an audit. The module will also provide tools and techniques for analyzing, documenting, mitigating and monitoring risks. Guest speakers will cover special topics including specialized accounting practices in government, Treasury rules and practices, and external audits.

1:00pm to 5:00pm
February 5, 12, 19, 26, 2025

Online via Zoom