2821 JFK’s Profiles in Courage

One-time in-Person | Available

1701 Llanfair Ave Cincinnati, OH 45224 United States

Event Hall

6/7/2024 (one day)

9:30 AM-12:00 PM on Fri

Seventy years ago, young US Senator Jack Kennedy decided to study a topic that fascinated him: political courage. He then wrote a book using as examples eight past senators who had shown great courage in the face of pressure from their parties and constituents. His book won the Pulitzer Prize for biography. We will explore how and why Kennedy wrote Profiles in Courage--and how its lessons may apply to our own times, including some recent examples honored by the Kennedy family.

Moderators: David Mann is an attorney and a long-time public servant: a former US Congressman, Mayor of the City of Cincinnati, and Cincinnati City Council member. Mark Silbersack is a retired attorney, long-time community activist, and amateur historian. Both have been OLLI moderators on a variety of topics.