2818 D-Day: The Normandy Invasion

One-time in-Person | This class is completed

1701 Llanfair Ave Cincinnati, OH 45224 United States

Event Hall

5/17/2024 (one day)

9:30 AM-12:00 PM on Fri

Operation Overlord, known as D-Day, occurred on June 6, 1944. The landings in Normandy were the beginning of the Allied campaign to liberate Northwest Europe from Nazi occupation. We will discuss the battles that took place on June 6 and explore the controversy and conflict that preceded that "Day of Days."

Moderator: John Lane has 20 years of teaching experience in world civilizations, AP European history, and US history. His undergraduate and graduate degrees are from UC and NKU with additional graduate training from Indiana Univ. He has traveled extensively in Britain and Continental Europe. His major fields of study are British and military history.