1418 Embracing Personal Power: An Archetypal Perspective

Multi-week in-person | Available

2220 Victory Parkway Cincinnati, OH 45206 United States



9:30 AM-10:45 AM on Tue


In its simplest form, an archetype is a recognizable pattern of behavior that promotes a recurring theme of actions. In this class, we will explore the basic nature of archetypes and how understanding personal archetypes can influence, guide, and help us understand our relationship with the Universe. Based on my understanding of the works of Carl Jung and Caroline Myss, we will specifically focus on the Universal Archetypes and experiences common to everyone. Interactive course will include presentations, videos, class discussion, and some reflective writing and sharing.

Moderator: Melissa Doerr is a retired educator who has spent 30 years interacting with the personal archetypes in her life. In this journey, she found and embraced her personal contract with the Universe and found a blueprint to follow in moving toward more empowering choices. She is currently studying to certify as an Archetypal Consultant with the Caroline Myss Institute.