15-In-Person-Terrarium Workshop

15-In-Person-Terrarium Workshop

May/Summer Course | This course/event is completed

3201 Burton St. SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546 United States

Bunker Interpretive Center, Discovery Room

5/2/2024 (one day)

12:30 PM-1:45 PM EDT on Th


Learn how to make a terrarium with easy-to-follow instructions and make a masterpiece in less than an hour. A terrarium is a very unusual, low effort decoration. Sometimes referred to as a "garden under glass," terrariums add a touch of greenery to your indoor living space, even for people who consider themselves plant challenged. It is planted to look like a miniature garden or forest enclosed in its own little world. Regardless of a terrarium's size, it will have four levels including gravel, moss, soil, and plants. Join us and create your own miniature eco-system. All supplies are provided. 


CALL staff members, Sonja DeJong and Gail Riddering, will support Calvin student Jordan Fridsma on this DIY project. Two previous projects were held on campus earlier this spring for undergraduate students.